NOVACOS advised Oakley Capital on the acquisition of WindStar Medical from NuCom Group (majority-owned by ProSiebenSat1)
NOVACOS advised Oakley Capital on the acquisition of WindStar Medical from NuCom Group (majority-owned by ProSiebenSat1).
WindStar Medical is a leading supplier of health products in Germany and develops and distributes high-quality medical products and over-the-counter medicines for drugstores, supermarkets and pharmacies. Since 2016, the company has been part of ProSiebenSat.1 and was reclassified in 2018 under the umbrella of the NuCom Group, which is majority-owned by ProSiebenSat.1 and General Atlantic as a minority investor.
For further information, please see our Press Release Windstar and additional information by Oakley Capital here.